Schupbach's Sporting Goods
Hours of Operation
Mon - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Sat: 9am - 2pm
Join or Start an Archery League at Schupbach's Sporting Goods
Hone Your Shooting Prowess at Schupbach's
Schupbach's has a full Indoor Target Range that hosts a number of archery leagues. It's also a great place to try a bow out and sight in your new bow equipment.
If you are interested in joining and indoor league, contact us to learn more.
- Archery Leagues
- Practice Indoors
- Sight in Your Bow
Introduction to Indoor Bow Leagues
Traditional 3D Bow League
Compound Bow 3D Indoor League
NFAA Spot League
Indoor 3D Bow Leagues and NFAA Spot League

Bows and Crossbows
Schupbach's has a huge selection of Bows, Crossbows, Traditional Bows and Bow Accessories!